July 2022

Homo Faber NextGen - Homo Faber Fellowship - TRAINEE TESTIMONIAL 2022 

Cyprien Lesquier: navegando alrededor del mundo

El aprendiz de Marsella Cyprien Lesquier puso todo su empeño en la carpintería naval después de cursar estudios superiores de ciencias y desarrollo de la sostenibilidad industrial. Pronto se dio cuenta de que quería trabajar con sus manos y con la madera, por lo que se lanzó a completar periodos de prácticas en diferentes talleres de carpintería naval. Por eso no dejó pasar la oportunidad de permanecer 6 meses como aprendiz de Denis Borg de Chantier Naval Borg, famoso por sus “barquettes”, barcos mediterráneos de madera. Esta empresa familiar, fundada en 1956 y ahora en manos de la tercera generación, es el único taller de restauración y producción de las históricas barquetas de madera tradicionales en Marsella y en la región. Su oficio está incluido en la Convención de la UNESCO para la Salvaguardia del Patrimonio Cultural Inmaterial. A continuación, Cyprien reflexiona sobre sus planes futuros.


¿Cómo ves el futuro de la carpintería naval?

Veo un futuro brillante para el oficio. Se puede hacer mucho con poco. Es posible estar siempre trabajando. Es esencial buscar clientes y tratar siempre de adaptarse para asegurar un futuro viable para este oficio.


¿Cuáles son tus planes de cara al futuro?

Mi proyecto soñado es navegar alrededor del mundo en un barco que haya construido yo mismo. Llevará años y años y admito que es una idea bastante loca, pero sería un gran logro hacerlo en un barco artesanal. Definitivamente deseo seguir trabajando en carpintería naval, seguir aprendiendo de mis mentores y ser conocido como un carpintero naval experto. Me encanta tener la oportunidad de permanecer gracias a esta beca otros seis meses bajo la tutela de Denis Borg, lo cual es un gran honor.


¿Es este oficio un camino viable para los jóvenes en Francia?

Sí, creo que lo es, siempre y cuando la calidad siga siendo una prioridad. La artesanía no es un camino a ninguna parte, sino una vía a la excelencia que requiere competencia y dedicación para alcanzar un alto nivel. Las habilidades artesanales se encuentran en las manos y las mentes de los artesanos, no en un pedazo de papel. Solo a través de la formación y los años de práctica, un aspirante a artesano puede convertirse en un maestro de su oficio, esta es la razón por la que los programas que lo hacen posible son tan importantes.

Notes for editors





The Michelangelo Foundation for Creativity and Craftsmanship is a non-profit institution based in Geneva, Switzerland, which champions contemporary craftspeople worldwide with the aim of promoting a more human, inclusive and sustainable future. The Foundation seeks to highlight the connections between craft, the wider arts and the design world. Its mission is to both celebrate and preserve craftsmanship and its diversity of makers, materials and techniques, by increasing craft’s everyday recognition and its viability as a professional path for the next generations. From engaging educational programmes such as the Summer Schools, to its signature digital project the Homo Faber Guide and the international exhibition Homo Faber Event, the Foundation is fostering a cultural movement centred on master artisans and rising stars. michelangelofoundation.org


Fondazione Cologni dei Mestieri d’Arte is a private, non-profit institution founded in 1995. Based in Milan, it promotes cultural, academic and educational initiatives for the protection and diffusion of Italian artistic crafts. The Fondazione Cologni’s mission is to inspire a “new Renaissance” of the artistic crafts and rescue them from the threat of extinction. Many of its initiatives focus on young people and training future generations of artisansfondazionecologni.it


Asociación Contemporanea de Artes y Oficios (ACAO) is an association that promotes both traditional and contemporary Spanish crafts. They seek to protect Spanish craftsmanship, and use it to foster the development of culture, history and art and boost its economic benefits on the environment and tourism industry. Their main targets are to ensure an environment in which Spanish craftspeople can thrive and to aid them in having further commercial reach in Spain and internationally. The ACAO collaborates with similar institutions to ideate best practices; they assist with the development of commercial platforms for craftspeople; they organise seminars, forums and talks. Beyond this, they use media for widespread visibility for arts and crafts; they launch programmes that promote crafts and engage in research projects. Their collective expertise enables them to provide consulting services to artisans and ateliers. forodeartesyoficios.com


The Craft Project is a French non-profit association born out of the podcast which goes by the same name, which has been promoting French craftspeople and craftsmanship since 2018. The association has several aims: firstly, to create a community of artisans who collectively think of innovative strategies to build the futures of their crafts. Secondly, to raise awareness of craftsmanship among the general public by introducing them to materials and to beauty. Lastly, to encourage vocations by shedding light on exemplary destinies and adventures in the arts and crafts. thecraftproject.fr


La Tecnocreativa is a fashion and design school based in Madrid that focuses on entrepreneurship, management and sustainable development. It seeks to preserve the traditional crafts linked to the creative industries and marry them with new technologies. The school revolutionises training with a model that combines online learning, thanks to televisual technology, with in-presence seminars for certain courses.  A month-long course tailored to the Trainee to Professional programme was created with partner Assocíacion Contemporánea Artes y oficios for the participating students. latecnocreativa.com


Costa Crociere Foundation was created with the aim of disseminating and developing the values of the Costa Group through the management and financing of environmental and social projects with a common interest. A commitment that manifests in supporting and developing projects to assist communities they encounter on the Costa ships’ journeys, and which focus on environmental protection and the eradication of social inequity at a global level investing. They invest 100% of the donations they receive into projects to transform the daily work they do into a promise of happiness. costacrocierefoundation.com



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