

企画展「Mechanical Marvels」では、ECAL/University of Art and Design Lausanne の学生たちが、スイスの街、サント・クロワを拠点に活動する職人たちとタッグを組み、 メカニカルアートの魅力を紹介します。 

職人の作業風景 ©ECAL Jasmine Deporta 

• ECAL/University of Art and Design Lausanne の学生とスイス・サント・クロワの職 人による意欲的なコラボレーション 

• 近年ユネスコの無形文化遺産登録を受けた地域特有の精密機械製造の技術を、5 つのイ ンタラクティブ展示で紹介。 

• 複数の自動人形を来場者が体験するコーナーも用意。

今年 4 月に開催される「Homo Faber Event 2022」の企画展の一つ「Mechanical Marvels」で は、Association Mec-Art (Pour la Mécanique d’Art)と ECAL/University of Art and Design Lausanne との活発なコラボレーションによる、メカニカルアートの世界をご紹介します。 

ここ数年のあいだ、ラグジュアリー&クラフツマンシップ高等教育修士課程では、高級腕時計、 テーブルウエア、ファッション、料理、工芸など、さまざまな分野のトップブランドと緊密な 連携のもと、学生たちが希少な素材、職人技を用いた特別なものづくりを学ぶ機会を設けてき ました。 

さらに、Association Mec-Art (Pour la Mécanique d’Art)協力のもと、スイスとフランスの国境 に位置する機械美術の本場、サント・クロワで働く職人のものづくりにも学生が参加しました。 オルゴールや自動人形といったメカニカルアートの優れた技を受け継ぐこの街の職人たちは、 近年ユネスコの無形文化遺産登録も果たしました。 

ECAL/University of Art and Design Lausanne の学生と Association Mec-Art (Pour la Mécanique d’Art)の職人がともに手がけた本プロジェクトでは、世代を超えて継承し、いまだにサント・ク ロワの工房やものづくりの現場で使われているノウハウをわかりやすく紹介していきます。

ECAL/University of Art and Design Lausanne のプログラム責任者であるニコラ・ツモワーニュ とイギリスの専門家、サイモン・キッドストンがキュレーションを担当し、場内に 5 つのイン スタレーションを展開。光きらめく会場デザインは、スイスのシャルロット・テールが手掛け ています。クランクを回すと生命が芽生えるオートマタ(自動人形)など、体験型の展示を通 じて、キネティックアートが人間味と温もりに溢れ、情緒に満ちた世界であることがみえてく るはずです。

「ものづくりの現場に触れ、ともに創作するなかで、職人が持つ専門的な知識と技術を学生た ちに分け与え、同時に学生たちはこれまでにない斬新なアイデアを職人にぶつけていく、意欲 的なプロジェクトになりました」ニコラ・ル・モワーニュ

「本展示を訪れた人は、工芸があらゆる形で未来へと受け継がれていくことを知るでしょう。 サント・クロワの職人技がいかに豊富な知識と長年培われてきた伝統によって成立しており、 それをどのように次世代へと伝えていこうとしているかがわかるはずです」サイモン・キッド ストン 

Mechanical Marvels」は、ジョルジョ・チーニ財団のフォトグラフィー・ホールを会場に行 われます。ミケランジェロ財団の展覧会「Homo Faber 2022」で展開する 15 の企画のうちの一 つです。


Discover Venice the #HomoFaberWay 


Homo Faber Event 

Crafting a more human future 

Fondazione Giorgio Cini, San Giorgio Maggiore, Venice 

Organised by the Michelangelo Foundation for Creativity and Craftsmanship, the Homo Faber Event is an international exhibition that champions artisanal talent, showcasing an impressive variety of materials, techniques and skills through live demonstrations, immersive digital experiences and imaginative displays of handcrafted creations. From functional everyday objects to outstanding decorative pieces, this edition highlights craft’s role in creating a more sustainable and inclusive future. The event offers a rare chance to admire the prestigious work of a selection of Japan’s National Living Treasures and to experience craft and its connections to the arts and to the design world. Visitors can join guided tours of the 15 exhibition spaces led by passionate students participating in the Young Ambassadors Programme. Imagined by a team of world-renowned curators and designers, the scenographic event transforms the magnificent spaces of the Fondazione Giorgio Cini, located on San Giorgio Maggiore Island in the heart of the Venetian lagoon. On top of the event, the Homo Faber in Città project gives visitors a chance to experience craftsmanship across Venice through tailor-made itineraries. homofaber.com 

The Michelangelo Foundation for Creativity and Craftsmanship is a non-profit institution based in Geneva, Switzerland, which champions contemporary craftspeople worldwide with the aim of promoting a more human, inclusive and sustainable future. The Foundation seeks to highlight the connections between craft, the wider arts and the design world. Its mission is to both celebrate and preserve craftsmanship and its diversity of makers, materials and techniques, by increasing craft’s everyday recognition and its viability as a professional path for the next generations. From engaging educational programmes such as the Summer Schools, to its signature digital project the Homo Faber Guide and the international exhibition Homo Faber Event, the Foundation is fostering a cultural movement centred on master artisans and rising stars. michelangelofoundation.org 

ECAL/University of Art and Design Lausanne 

Featuring regularly among the world’s top ten universities of art and design (fifth in the Dezeen Hot List 2016), ECAL benefits from numerous press articles and awards, an enviable number of exhibitions in famous venues, and the success of its graduates. ECAL currently offers a foundation course, six bachelor’s degree courses, and seven master’s/MAS programmes in Fine Arts, Film, Graphic Design, Media & Interaction Design, Photography, Industrial & Product Design, Type Design, Design for Luxury & Craftsmanship, and Design Research for Digital Innovation (with EPFL+ECAL Lab). www.ecal.ch

Association Mec-Art 

The purpose of Association Mec-Art (Pour la Mécanique d’Art), from Sainte-Croix, Switzerland, is to preserve and promote ancestral traditions, enabling technological and artistic advances and building a bridge between art and mechanical technology. The initiative was born in 2017 with the involvement of CPNV, PERFORM, the town of Sainte-Croix and artisans themselves. Today it has become a centre dedicated to this savoir-faire, with a mission to unite, share and address authentic values. In reaction to this era of globalisation, connectivity, dematerialisation and virtual reality, an increasing number of people are eager to discover local traditions. The artisans of Sainte-Croix region are committed to maintaining and passing on their local artisanal heritage. In 2020 UNESCO placed horological and mechanical art on the Representative List of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. ”Mécanique d’Art” is when mechanics add both motion and emotion to art, thus becoming a mechanical work of art. That includes automata, music boxes, singing birds, artisanal watchmaking, animated paintings or sculptures, mechanical music and any mechanical object referring to art without the restriction of motorisation. www.mec-art.ch 

Nicolas Le Moigne 

Nicolas Le Moigne is a designer and professor at ECAL/University of Art and Design Lausanne. For more than ten years, he has headed the Master of Advanced Studies in Design for Luxury & Craftsmanship. This unique course allows the students to work in close collaboration with prestigious maisons, which can draw on a heritage of a hundred years or more, in order to further their design education in areas of excellence as varied as fine watchmaking, tableware, fashion, gastronomy and the métiers d’art, and to learn particular techniques with regards to the use of noble materials and craftsmanship. 

Simon Kidston 

With high-profile clients around the world, Simon Kidston is a well-known expert on classic cars. He began his career in the late-1980s at a London auction house, before co-founding Brooks (now Bonhams) Europe in Geneva, spending the next decade staging international auctions dedicated to rare and valuable cars. In 2006, he set up an independent consultancy to advise collectors that is now synonymous with Private Treaty sales of rare and exceptional motor cars. He has been involved in several heritage events for historic cars including the Cartier Travel With Style concours in India, the Mille Miglia, the Pebble Beach Concours d’Elegance and the Concorso d’Eleganza Villa d’Este in Italy. He contributes to Ramp and Vanity Fair magazines and has just published the definitive book on the Lamborghini Miura.

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Nicolas Le Moigne Curator Laila Pozzo©Michelangelo Foundation 2270756
Simon Kidston Curator Laila Pozzo©Michelangelo Foundation 1962943
Student from ECAL©ECAL Jasmine Deporta 2273819
Student from ECAL©ECAL Jasmine Deporta 2279685
Mechanical Marvels Homo Faber Event 2022 Alessandra Chemollo©MichelangeloFoundation (2)
Mechanical Marvels Homo Faber Event 2022 Alessandra Chemollo©MichelangeloFoundation
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