

12人の人間国宝の手技が生きる逸品を間近に見る「12 Stone Garden」。

人間国宝、藤沼昇による根曲竹花籠「春潮」。©Gerald Le Van-Chau


·        人間国宝(日本の文部科学省が認定する「重要無形文化財保持者」)12名の作品を展示します。

·        パッラディーオ建築の大食堂の壮大な空間のなかに、深澤直人が日本庭園の石をモチーフにデザインした12の展示台を配置します。

·        作家の選定は、深澤直人と内田篤呉が担当。着物、漆塗のハープ、竹の花籠、備前焼、木象嵌などの名技を紹介します。


この春、ヴェネチアのジョルジョ・チーニ財団に日本の人間国宝12名をお招きし、特別展を開催します。16世紀のパッラディー建築の大食堂を会場に、デザイナー、深澤直人が展示設計を担当。Homo Faber Event 2022の特別招聘国である日本が大切に守ってきた究極の伝統工芸技に迫ります。








人間国宝、大角幸枝による銀打出花器「Turquoise Ocean」©Japan Kôgei Association



伊勢 淳 Jun Isezaki/備前焼



14代今泉今右衛門 Imaemon Imaizumi XIV/鍋島焼



大角 幸枝 Yukie Osumi /鍛金



大西 勲 Isao Onishi/髹漆



北村 武資 Takeshi Kitamura/西陣織 



佐々木 苑子 Sonoko Sasaki/紬織



須田 賢司 Kenji Suda/木工芸



駒夫 Komao Hayashi/桐塑人形






「12 Stone Garden」は、ジョルジョ・チーニ財団のPalladian Refectoryを会場に行われます。ミケランジェロ財団の展覧会「Homo Faber 2022」で展開する15の企画のうちの一つです。


12 Stone Gardenは、日本工芸会にご協力のもと、開催いたします。

Notes for editors



Discover Venice the #HomoFaberWay



Homo Faber Event

Crafting a more human future

Fondazione Giorgio Cini, San Giorgio Maggiore, Venice


Organised by the Michelangelo Foundation for Creativity and Craftsmanship, the Homo Faber Event is an international exhibition that champions artisanal talent, showcasing an impressive variety of materials, techniques and skills through live demonstrations, immersive digital experiences and imaginative displays of handcrafted creations. From functional everyday objects to outstanding decorative pieces, this edition highlights craft’s role in creating a more sustainable and inclusive future. The event offers a rare chance to admire the prestigious work of a selection of Japan’s National Living Treasures and to experience craft and its connections to the arts and to the design world. Visitors can join guided tours of the 15 exhibition spaces led by passionate students participating in the Young Ambassadors Programme. Imagined by a team of world-renowned curators and designers, the scenographic event transforms the magnificent spaces of the Fondazione Giorgio Cini, located on San Giorgio Maggiore island in the heart of the Venetian lagoon. On top of the event, the Homo Faber in Città project gives visitors a chance to experience craftsmanship across Venice through tailor-made itineraries. homofaber.com


The Michelangelo Foundation for Creativity and Craftsmanship is a non-profit institution based in Geneva, Switzerland, which champions contemporary craftspeople worldwide with the aim of promoting a more human, inclusive and sustainable future. The Foundation seeks to highlight the connections between craft, the wider arts and the design world. Its mission is to both celebrate and preserve craftsmanship and its diversity of makers, materials and techniques, by increasing craft’s everyday recognition and its viability as a professional path for the next generations. From engaging educational programmes such as the Summer Schools, to its signature digital project the Homo Faber Guide and the international exhibition Homo Faber Event, the Foundation is fostering a cultural movement centred on master artisans and rising stars. michelangelofoundation.org


Naoto Fukasawa

A Japanese designer, professor and curator who has brought his unique design philosophy to leading brands around the world. Naoto Fukasawa works with major international manufacturers across different design disciplines from precision electronic equipment to furniture, interior spaces and architecture. What links his work is a dedication to the sublime beauty of form and the power of silence, a design philosophy that has garnered him international recognition for his ability to express the true essence of an object. Additionally, he is the director of The Japan Folk Crafts Museum, a professor at the Tama Art University and has sat on several judging panels including the Loewe Craft Prize. In 2007, he was named Honorary Royal Designer for Industry by the UK’s Royal Society of Arts. He has won numerous awards for his work including the 2018 Isamu Noguchi Award.


Tokugo Uchida

Director of the MOA Museum of Art and Hakone Museum of Art, Tokugo Uchida is one of Japan’s foremost cultural commentators. Tokugo Uchida completed his PhD in aesthetics at Keio University in 2007 and has since lectured widely in Japan and abroad. He served as a member of the Cultural Council, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology; committee member for UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage and Guest Professor at Kyushu University. He is involved in the selection for art-related awards, holds important roles in governmental organisations for traditional crafts as an art history specialist and has authored numerous publications.

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12 Stone Garden Homo Faber Event 2022 Alessandra Chemollo©MichelangeloFoundation
12 Stone Garden Homo Faber Event 2022 Alessandra Chemollo©MichelangeloFoundation
12 Stone Garden Homo Faber Event 2022 Alessandra Chemollo©MichelangeloFoundation 0115 2338445
Lady enjoying the moon viewing party in the court” Komao Hayashi Master 12 Stone Garden Homo Faber Event 2022 Alessandra Chemollo©MichelangeloFoundatio
12 Stone Garden Homo Faber Event 2022 Alessandra Chemollo©MichelangeloFoundation 0124 2338420
Forged silver flower vessel Rough Shore Yukie Osumi Master 12 Stone Garden Homo Faber Event 2022 Alessandra Chemollo©MichelangeloFoundation
Bamboo flower basket “Spring Tide” Noboru Fujinuma Master 12 Stone Garden Homo Faber Event 2022 Alessandra Chemollo©MichelangeloFoundation
Bamboo flower basket “Spring Tide” Noboru Fujinuma Master©Gerald Le Van Chau
Flower basket “Energy” Noboru Fujinuma Master 12 Stone Garden Homo Faber Event 2022 Alessandra Chemollo©MichelangeloFoundatio
Tokugo Uchida Curator©All rights reserved
Naoto Fukasawa Curator Laila Pozzo©Michelangelo Foundation
Naoto Fukasawa Curator Laila Pozzo©Michelangelo Foundation
12 Stone Garden Homo Faber Event 2022 Alessandra Chemollo©MichelangeloFoundation
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Nao Takegata naotakegata@dailypress.org

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